How to lead your team in a time of chaos and complexity. Think with Google. David B. Peterson, PhD (May 2020)
Great Coaches Break the Rules. Choice Magazine. David Goldsmith (Sept. 2017)
Becoming a Coach: The Making of a Yoda. Madeleine Homan Blanchard (Oct. 2017)
Good to Great Coaching: Accelerating the Journey. Good to Great Coaching. David B. Peterson, PhD (2010)
Growth Market. Coaching at Work. David B. Peterson, PhD + Bobbie Little (2006)
People Are Complex and the World Is Messy: A Behavior-Based Approach to Executive Coaching. David B. Peterson, PhD (2006)
A Practical Guide to Evaluating Coaching: Translating State-of-the-Art Techniques to the Real World. David B. Peterson, PhD + Kurt Kraiger (2006)
The Alchemy of Coaching: 'You're Good, Jennifer, But You Could Be Really Good. David B. Peterson, PhD + Jennifer Millier (May 2005)